Friday 28 March 2008

Tigers and Monks!!

This blog 'does exactly what it says on the tin'!! You get Monks and Tigers. Using 'the force' I can hear your collective thoughts around the world wondering 'what on earth do Tigers and Monks have in common'? Well let us tell you - sit back and get your popcorn, make yourself comfortable while we tell you a little story - oh you might need some tissues to dab away those tears too..........

Once upon a time lots of Tigers lived in the jungles of Thailand until some crackpot from China decreed that if you eat the sexual organs of a tiger you get great strength and healing power. Also, the fashion industry of course thinks tiger skin looks better worn by humans than by ... well tigers! So lots of them have been killed and in the process of killing the adult animals, lots of the tiger cubs starved to death. The monks couldn't stand by and watch the cubs die so they took them in and fed them. Before they knew it, they had lots of tigers, which became difficult to feed, so now they have opened their doors to the tourists and the money they get from the tourists helps to feed and look after the tigers and their cubs. The tigers are tame as they have been hand reared although when the park is open to the public some of them are on long chains. The public can also visit and help walk and exercise the tigers and feed the cubs, some of them take bottles. It's quite a unique place and a little unbelievable when you hear about it but once you visit it's really special.

The more observant of you may have picked up on the strange T shirts that Elvis and I are donning! There's a story to that too. If you're ever going to visit Buddhist monks and tigers, there's two things you should know. 1. In the presence of the monks, woman must have their shoulders covered and legs covered to the knee. 2. In the presence of tigers, you should not wear bright red. Can anybody guess how Elvis and I turned up at the gate. Yes, I had a blazing red shirt on, Elvis in shorts and vest top! The only solution given to us by the staff at the ticket office was to buy two T shirts at what you have probably guessed a very high price. But being seasoned travellers, we had a better idea - I borrowed a shirt from a taxi driver and Elvis from one of the catering staff. Job done - you can see that Elvis's shirt fits like a glove - NOT!!

After a hard day playing with the tourists what's a tiger cub to do but have a little nap. This little fella is 'pooped' out and just about to drop off!

For a cup of tea, any idea which animal was first taken into the monks refuge?

Cups of tea controversy (he's a poet and he doesn't know it).

A cup of tea to.......... Mam Elves, good try Paul, but we were looking for the important link between the number of sleepers and the number of men that died during the building of the railway. Also, Mr Sandersfield, according to info, more Asians died than POW's - but I'd have to check that!

As for 'Kim the Researcher', getting the Grandfather question right and using the word 'lank' in your comment can only lead me to believe that Kim the researcher and Ginny the Sissy are one and the same - Own up Sissy - you've been rumbled!!!

Cup of tea update! - Poor Jenny Schmenny - I forgot to credit you with a perfect answer to the 'where were the steel spans of the bridge on the river Kwai brought from'. Spot on girl - they were part of a bridge in Java, dismantled and brought to the Kwai by barge. We'll throw in some stilton cheese and crackers for making you wait!! (are we forgiven?)


Anonymous said...

Oh my god? how close r you to those big buggers...I would of thought that K will have nee thrappers left at this don't say if i get a free cup of TEA...Re: the bridge Q (well if i must!!!)schmen xx

Anonymous said...

Are you insinutating that Americans don't use words such as "lank" or how about "granda" let alone "arse" instead of "ass"? Well spotted our bro, I was counting on you being observant! Speaking of local/"Hodgson only" dialect, it's a scream talking to Kim after she's read one of our Ron's entries. The first time she read one, she wrote to me enquiring from what country "Bonjower" came from!! I can usually translate, but not always. For instance, what's he going on about with "Noah's Ark"? Cockney slang for what?

You really missed the boat with your latest blog. How great would it have been if you just happened not to mention the fact that they were tame, and if you just happened to photograph them without any background enclosure visible. That would have been stuff to show the ma! Heart attack on the spot!

I see you're not exactly wrapping your arms around them....sorta instilled in you what those buggers really are, huh? Still, totally magnificent to be able to be there and do that. Not many people can pull out the family vacation album and show that!! Brill!

Anonymous said...

I'll give the cuppa tea question a about booooooors'eeeds or billy goats, Billy?

Anonymous said...

Correction to my first was a one-eyed, one-legged chicken!! And you still believe that sissy J and the research assistant are one and the same!! One of us got the right answer...but who?????

Anonymous said...

Then came a cow literally dragging its arse along the ground cause it had been speared. Then came a boorseed with a broken back from being hit with a car. Then came a bullbegg, bladdered from ower much McKewans!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot to mention another detail about the bullbegg that they took took them ages to stop him from slashing up the walls!

Anonymous said...

Give me what ever sissy j's had in ower 5 hours. Must be affecting her spelling could of been the mcewans!

Anonymous said...

did you hear me scream!!!! (l had to look for them cos never had cause to use them before.)what a fantastic experiance worth flying all that way for .l bet your tummy had the wobbles when you were stroking them,

Anonymous said...

bloody hell dave our rystas asking is them there tigers for real lank,and how come ya not tossing rocks at them from the top of the cage

une big one bon