Another island - this time Koh Kood, the fourth biggest island in the entire universe, no not really, only Thailand. Koh Chang is the second biggest by the way, but size isn't everything. This island is much bigger than Koh Mak so we required the services of a motorized scooter! If you examine my toes in the picture you'll see I have red toe nails. This is red road dust and not because I'm competing with the ladyboys.
You know the score by know - abandoned bays of white sands and clear warm sea water.
More of the same. There should be some pictures of us kayaking through the sea, but in the words of an old Smiths song.... 'stop me if you've heard this one before..'. Whilst kayaking along the coast I got hit by a big wave and it rolled me. Normally that would be ok but, I had the camera around my neck and it got hit by the kayak and ended up with me in the sea. By the time I got it out it was soaked in sea water and not showing any sings of life. But this has happened before, in America a guy offered to take our picture and dropped the camera into the river (via a rock) and after a day it came back to life. Well after two days of drying and heat treatment nothing, then on the third day it decided it had rested enough and was back into life. If Captain Scarlet (of the indestructible type) had a camera it would be the Panasonic Lumix. By the way the watch got soaked as well and it stopped for three days too, before making a full recovery.
For your COT voucher, can anyone read my mind and think of the song that came into my head when I saw this man and all that hair.
What do you mean the sunglasses don't fit?
I'm a bit concerned about the size of me boiler though.
A few more sunset shots to drool over.
COT skulduggery. Who is impersonating the 'Outsourcer' with those outlandish factual answers? Schmenny, I guess from you posting it must have been Andy?
Our Poll - where have you been lass, you could have had enough vouchers for a ... single cup of tea, I dinnar lad. Ginny, if you don't start answering seriously we will deduct vouchers.
So the birds were of course the Kingfisher and the Sea Eagle. I'm not sure if any one won a voucher though!! I can't check all those that Schmenny/Andy sent. I'll let you all have a voucher for trying - how's that for generosity? Obviously gets the voucher for correctly spotting the lines of rubber trees.
The next blog may be coming soon, or it may have to wait until I get back to England. At the moment we're in Bangkok and only have a day left!!