Wednesday, 20 July 2016

The Cami De Cavalls - DAY 5, 13th June - Son Bou to Binissafuller (Stage 16 to Cala en Porter, Stage 17 to Binissafuller [which we extended to include Stage 18 to Punta Prima]) Total Distance extended to 27km.

With the assurance of a full breakfast buffet, we decided not to be so hasty this morning :) The breakfast was very good and we took our time. The last couple of days have cooled off so we knew we could probably get away with a later start. There's no way Elvis is missing breakfast anyway so that's immaterial really. We got back on the trail for 8:45am.  

13th June 2016, 8:43am - Day 5 - Start of Stage 16
 So here we are at post no. 1 of Stage 16, as the baldy bloke is very expertly pointing out. Today should really start with stage 15 from Sant Tomas, but we added that to yesterdays itinerary. Elvis's feet are not too bad, but the black mini socks are on to protect the 'dirty blister'. I'm on full ibrufen and paracetamol dosage for the dodgy knee. Today could be a make or break job - we will have to see! 
13th June 2016, 8:47am - Day 5 - Stage 16
 This is looking back from the trail at Son Bou and the Sol hotel dominating the sea front. When I look at this now it only adds to my embarrassment. When we arrived at Son Bou yesterday I wasn't sure where the hotel was, so I asked a life guard. He turned and looked towards the great big white tower block, then turned to look at me, with that kind of face that says 'Not a full shilling!'  - he then pointed towards the big white block and said in half English and half Spanish (which I can't speak but feel capable of translating in this instance) - "See that enormous white tower over there you silly English fool - Do you think that might be it?". I shuffled off with the hope that I wouldn't see him again!
13th June 2016, 8:48am - Day 5 - Stage 16
 One very steep climb out of Son Bou and then the scenery was amazing. The trail went through some gorgeous natural rock valleys and trees, and at one stage we were walking along accompanied by yellow butterflies with the air filled with bird song, it was a real high point of the whole walk.
13th June 2016, 8:55am - Day 5 - Stage 16
 .....under and through the white calcareous rock face, through lovely greenery and the sea in the background......
13th June 2016, 8:56am - Day 5 - Stage 16
 ...... along the valley floor with lots of butterflies along side us. 
13th June 2016, 9:07am - Day 5 - Stage 16
.... this spot was really beautiful and the colours were spectacular.
13th June 2016, 9:16am - Day 5 - Stage 16
 At the end of the valley we take a turn left and head inland for the rest of this stage until we come back to the coast at Cala En Porter. However, this is probably one of the best inland sections we have done so far. The terrain changes often and there's lots of colour and beautiful scenery. 
13th June 2016, 9:45am - Day 5 - Stage 16
 Elvis striding out through a field of hay .. and these yellow thistle looking plants!
13th June 2016,10:01am - Day 5 - Stage 16
 This is Herman the tortoise, no really, that's his name 'Hermann's Tortoise'. We helped this chap out a little bit by putting him on the other side of the road because, if you look carefully, he's sitting right on a tyre track from the last vehicle that passed. We think Hermann owes us one!
13th June 2016, 10:16am - Day 5 - Stage 16
 Unfortunately the information board is in Catalan and Spanish (no English), but from the picture I can work out that grain would be poured into the circle and horses or cattle are used to drag a stone around and perform the grinding of grain. I think I also worked out that these were built next to the workers homes so that they could monitor the fields to determine when the grain was ready. If you want more info, blow the picture up and learn to speak Spanish - it's all there! 
13th June 2016, 10:19am - Day 5 - Stage 16
 What kind of trickery is this? It's only a 'stitched photo' which is just three pictures joined so you can get all the scenery in! But some people demand to be in as many pictures as possible :)
13th June 2016, 10:24am - Day 5 - Stage 16
 Some excellent examples on Menorcan fence work, down a beautiful path into another valley.
13th June 2016, 10:26am - Day 5 - Stage 16
 Here is very old horse trough - one of the troughs still has water in it!!
13th June 2016, 10:35am - Day 5 - Stage 16
 Down in the valley we walked through a bamboo field, it was like being back in Malaysia!! 
13th June 2016, 10:53am - Day 5 - End of Stage 16
 Back to the sea at the end of stage 16, we are at a beautiful spot perched high on the side of the inlet. This is Cala En Porter. We are sitting in a cafĂ© at Club Menorca, looking over this beautiful view and watching osprey and kites flying around. We met the guy who runs Club Menorca, Peter, who is full of great stories and information about Menorca and the Cami De Cavalls. At the end of todays walk, we should finish at Binissafuller and then get a bus to our accommodation in Mao. But Peter pointed out, that there's no bus from Binissafuller, but there is one from Punta Prima!! So, a change of plan, we are now doing an extra stage to get to Punta Prima and the bus to Mao. It's an extra 7km, but we did save 6km by extending yesterdays walk - oh well, we will get the benefit of a shorter day six! 
13th June 2016, 12:40pm - Day 5 - Stage 17
 The book describes this section of the walk ... 'through a fantastic holm-oak wood, which forms authentic tunnels through vegetation' - nicely put! 
13th June 2016, 2:11pm - Day 5 - Stage 17
We might put a bid in for this house if it comes up for sale - a very lovely spot.
13th June 2016, 3:33pm - Day 5 - Stage 17
We stopped for a break here at Cala de Binisafuller and then decided that we would put a sprint on and get the 5:15pm bus from Punta Prima. It's only about 8km to Punta Prima from here. That should be possible in 1 hour 45 mins? An interesting point about the name Binisafuller, all names in Menorca that begins 'Bini' usually means it was named by the Arabs when they were in charge.
13th June 2016, 3:47pm - Day 5 - End of Stage 17
 This is the very Arab looking, Binibequer Vell, we passed through here at a rate of 100 metres per minute!! The path was now mostly tarmac through urban areas so it was easy walking. 

13th June 2016, 4:41pm - Day 5 - Stage 18
 Some clever photographer has lined up the sign of Punta Prima, with the lighthouse at Punta Prima, so that anyone looking at the picture can clearly see the destination :) 
13th June 2016, 5:55pm - Day 5 - After Stage 18
 Having 'legged' it into Punta Prima, we made it in time for the bus and were waiting at the stop in good time (5pm). We were lucky to be allowed on the bus with 'hooves' in this state - although it is mostly just muck! After getting off the bus, we had a couple of beers in the square outside our Hostel (guest house) Isla before we settled into our room for a three day booking. The place is really nice and well positioned. A shower and a nap, then out on the town for eats. The following are a few pics from the sunset vistas of the capital, Mao (or Mahon if you prefer).  
13th June 2016, 8:22pm - Day 5 - 1st Night in Mao

13th June 2016, 8:32pm - Day 5 - 1st Night in Mao

13th June 2016, 8:34pm - Day 5 - 1st Night in Mao

13th June 2016, 8:35pm - Day 5 - 1st Night in Mao

13th June 2016, 8:37pm - Day 5 - 1st Night in Mao

13th June 2016, 9:16pm - Day 5 - 1st Night in Mao

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