Saturday 30 June 2007

Fresh Mussels Anyone?

It all starts by going out for a hike, then getting too hot and dipping your feet in the ocean to cool, then the Sissy finds mussels under the rocks - before you know it a plan is hatched. Take them back to the Rv, clean them and get the buggers steamed with some white wine, garlic, chilli and lemon juice. There was a problem though - they were a little on the small side - so they got ditched shortly after the last picture! Fortunately for me though we also collected a bag of willicks (welks to the more cultured of you) and I had them all to my self - apparently the others don't eat 'snots with crash helmets'. Elvis (Missus H) kept a safe distance during the whole process - she doesn't do the shell fish!


Anonymous said...

willicks and mussels sound great... we're a bit worried that you seem to be drinking beer through a straw these days... whats all that about???

Anonymous said...

It's worse than what it looks (re;drinking beer from a straw). If another picture was taken, it would show Suzanne holding the glass to his mouth!! She also sets his clothes out for him each morning!!

Anonymous said...

I daint and your 'moules'.