We've managed to find a way to plug our camera into the library computer, so here are a few pictures after leaving Denver and heading for the Rockies. The first picture is from highway 72 - as you drive through Denver the traffic is awful, then you take the 72 West and that is what happens - it all goes quiet and the road goes straight into the mountains - one of the best drives I've ever done - it helped that I was driving the Hodge Dodge Durango too.
The next three pictures are setting up camp the first time at Camp Dick (still can't believe that name, it's like a British 'Carry on Film' - no further comments about that though as I have been told to 'keep it clean' from Mrs Elves (Suzanne's Mam) - she said the aunties are starting to read the blog). The last 2 pictures are from Lake Brainard and Lefthand Reservoir (don't ask me why it's called that) . If you're wondering what that is in our hands - it's real snow! At 8,000 feet up the snow lasts a long time round these there parts cowboy.
Elvis is on another computer in the library at the same time - hopefully we don't get cross blogged - can you get tablets for that?
the hodge dodge durango looks the biss from mrs elves.
very disappointed that the blog is now being censored...can't you just tell the two aunties that something is coming up in the next sentence and they can close their eyes?
I have 2 questions regarding the 4th picture:
1. Is that a little pink-nosed robot just behind the two of you - perhaps that same robot that made your tea?
and 2. Did you loan your socks from Shrek?
And finally, I know you can do better with your joinery Mr Hodgson - that bench needs a little more work.
this posting stuff seems very complikated
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