Wednesday 7 November 2007

Dunedin - Otago Peninsula

This is the beautiful peninsula that skirts around the side of Dunedin - we were going to visit the city - but the weather was so good we decided to do this part first.

The peninsula has a reputation as the most accessible wildlife are on the South Island - yellow-eyed penguins, blue penguins, fur seals, sea lions. We saw seals and seal lions but think it is a myth, some kind of tourist trap about these penguins! We've now been to a few of the 'penguin inhabited' areas and have seen.....NONE!

We drove around the harbourside of the peninsula and back over the top using the high winding road - (nerves were fraught in the campervan!).

The first pictures are from a walk we did across a big hill and down to the beach - the last picture is from the 'high road'.

We also visited a Royal Albertross nesting site - but there wasn't any home!! What a surprise!

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