Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Happy New Year!

A 'Happy New Year' to all our family and friends, here's wishing you all a very happy and healthy 2008!
We spent New Year in Victoria with Justine and Ben, a lovely couple who we meet whilst cruising in Fiji. This is Justine, Ben, Elvis and I toasting you all, hoping everyone has a great 2008!
PS We know it's cold at home and you're all tucked up inside. Think of us too as we spent some of the day inside as we were unable to cope with the temperature of 42 degrees!


Anonymous said...

Yep - thanks for reminding us of the climate differences. We're expecting snow later this week which Shirley is over the moon about, but I'm not.

We're also back at work today which just makes your latest blog all the more unacceptable.

While I'm on, I find it very hard to believe that someone so terrified of either flying or the small confined space you're in when you are, has actually flown what looks like a 4 seater. Jen - could this be Photoshop at work again? If not, then I'm proud, amazed and sickened all at the same time.

Special shout out to Sissy J who's taken to taunting me via email! And a Happy New Year to all.

Paul and Shirley.

Anonymous said...

Okay, have to admit it, I sat back for a couple of hours to let Paul at this blog first. He will stop playing if I don't let him win once or twice. In our family, we all learned to do this early on in life whenever we played games with our Ron...he's also kill us if we didn't!!!

So happy new year back at you K&S, P&S and everyone else.

PS Since when do Geordies say "whilst"? You wouldn't be getting posh on us, would you bro, being away from the banks of the Wear for so long?

Anonymous said...

Whilst is good grammar....but who are the "Geordies" no one from Sundreland I hope

Anonymous said...

must learn to spell Sunderland correctly

Anonymous said...

hi jen happy new year to all and thanks for my bit of christmas magic,ann.