Monday, 12 May 2008


12th May 2008

Well here we are back in Singapore Airport! This time we're waiting to board our plane for India and a whole new set of adventures. So, as we like to say......... that's all for the next blog - (when ever that may be)!!

Just to keep you bloggers happy we've manged to get up to date with our travels after a little scare in Vietnam when we were unable to access our own blogsight( yes, fancy that)! For those with trouble sleeping or the addicted there are SIX new blogs for you to indulge in. Not sure how internet access will be in India so that you should keep you all going for a while!!


Anonymous said...

just finished this mammoth blog .answer to question (how much did suzanne buy) a lot l hope and sent it home by sea.xxmam

Anonymous said...

Bloomin Heck man. These blogs are like Stagecoach buses.

I don't even have the time to read it all now, so will be doing so this evening.

Make sure you head straight for the curry cooking training house when you get to India.

Anonymous said...

Bloggin eck!! What Joy!! Lurds and Lurds of Blogs to read!!

Gaaon on the Billies!!

Shirl Von Curl Girl

Anonymous said...

Didge says;- any chance of me winning a cup of tea as there seems to be professional bloggers out there being helped by modern technology(of which I am crap at)

Anonymous said...

yougun is india the final treck of this little jaunt,just ya aunty joan was asking,ps did u take ya own milk eggs,bread ,bacon and sausage on holiday cos she does when she goes to spain i tell u shes barking

bon jower ps got the answer to the shark question its on ya other blog

Anonymous said...

ooww is that a real charlie drake around ya kneck or plack attack

une big one

Anonymous said...

Would anyone of English speaking descent like me to translate the blog comments from Bon Jower (alias Une Big One)? I was just thinking what a scream it would have been to have sent that brother into my friend, Gayle's class in Vietnam. Would have paid a lot to see their faces when he opened his mouth.
Well, I was only gone a couple of days and continents were covered! Glad my outsourcer took up the slack. Anyway, I was in Gettysburg. Would any non-American like to go for a cup of joe and tell me why that little town is famous?
All bloomin good stuff and looking forward to seeing India

Anonymous said...

We've been to Chiang Mai - now in Phuket. (Noun not verb)... Hope you're seeing less rain than us today!!

We guess that we will fly over you on Sunday / Monday on the way home.


Anonymous said...

sissy j .re The Gettysburg Address.a famous speech by President Lincoln. spoken at the gettysburg cemetry re the civil war and the union armies.this was not googled so tell me more .ann.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely right, Ann! That is indeed where Lincoln's Gettysbury address was delivered. Well done and without Googling!
An interesting fact on that....Lincoln was not the designated speaker. It was a guy called Everett. He spoke for over two hours, and no one remembers a word he said. Lincoln was an afterthought because he wasn't really popular at the time. They felt he should say something, so legend has it that he penned the Address on the train there. Just over two minutes, but most Americans can recite it word for word.
Gettysburg was the turning point of the war. Up until that point, the South claimed victory over most of the battles, but they lost the three day battle at Gettsyburg and basically never won one after that.
The 26 square mile battle site is virtually the same as it was in 1863.