Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Oregon - The Pacific Coast

I bet the 'Mams' were wondering when they'd see a picture like this one. Yes, we finally had to give in and get our stuff washed properly, the flies were starting to hang around us instead of the Amish it was getting that bad. This place is called 'Suds ur Duds' - how good is that. The Chinese woman asked if we needed to buy any detergent - I said - listen pet, there hasn't been a detergent invented that's going to remove the the grime from our thrappers - but why don't you give me some industrial strength bleach and we'll give it our best shot.

There would have been a lot more pictures of the Oregon coast because the beaches are beautiful, unfortunately they were also covered in a thick mist - so these are the few pics I could get from little places we stopped at on the way.

I'm quite pleased with this last picture of the lighthouse because it was the only thing visible and it was very difficult to get the picture to take at exactly the moment the light flashed.

From here we went inland to Crater Lake (still in Oregon) it's about 120 miles inland and what a difference that made - no more fog!!

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