Wednesday 29 August 2007

Wine Tasting

Have you seen the film 'Sideways?' If you have you may recognise a few of these places - it's prime wine growing region - so, when in Rome and all of that.......

The lady above got well mugged by Keith's 'can we have a picture trick'. It goes like this - first of all you wait until the wine tasting is over - then ask - is it ok to take a picture of you pouring wine. After the lady has finished Keith announces that - he didn't quite get that - could we take another one - hey presto - two extra glasses! You have to learn the tricks of the trade when you're travelling for a year!!
The place is very odd - settled by the Danish and that's just the way they want to keep it - hence the flags and windmills etc.
Next stop - Meeting Erin at San Diego

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