Monday 22 October 2007

Abel Tasman National Park

This is at the end of the walk (or the tramp as it is called here)!!

Abel Tasman was a Dutchman who discovered New Zealand. This is the smallest National Park and again has one of those beautiful coastal tracks that passes through lush native bush and overlooks pristine beaches of golden sand which are lapped by gleaming blue-green water - just gorgeous!!! Lots of lovely pictures below.

The idea here is that you can do the walk over a few days or take a water taxi out to one of the many bays, start from there and walk back to the beginning/end!

The trail is 51km long, we took a water taxi out first thing to one of the bays and walked 22 km back, pretty much all day!

This is 'split apple rock' - neat eh!

It was getting rather windy on the boat and drastic measures were needed to keep warm!

Keith was trying to capture 'native bush', it's just all over the place!!

More native bush, the tree ferns are quite over-whelming!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If Abel Tasman discovered New Zealand, then why was the devil named after him instead of the country? Seems like he got the short end of the stick there. Find that out for me our Keith, and you'll win yourself a cup of tea! You know how that works!

sissy J