Wednesday 31 October 2007


I know what you're thinking - more lakes and mountains, well Queenstown does have that - it also has the historic 1880 Kawarau Bridge, which was the sight of the first commercial bungy jump. Now who out of the two of us is willing to jump off a perfectly good bridge - head first with nothing but an elastic band around their feet? No free cups of tea this time!!

I'd like to be able to describe to you all what it is like, but it's not possible! From the moment you decide to go, your brain goes into shock - and waiting for the few seconds before the rope reels you in is enough to send your butt cheeks into a spasm! By the time I hit the water I was screaming - but I must admit I loved it. I'm not saying that I would do it again mind you!

The guys said that I did a really great dive, I thought it was 'just regular' but I'll take the acolades!

If anyone doubts my stupidity (especially my sister Ginny), I can have a picture taken with my certificate if you wish.

The boy in the last picture is Sebastian from Tasmania - we were both on the bridge waiting to do our jump at the same time - he was really cool considering he's 12 years old. Suzanne was talking and taking pictures with Sebastians parents - we all had a coffee together after the main event and we have Doreen's address in Tasmania if we would like to call in.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely Class Mr H!!

Anonymous said...

Now, I see that it's you on the bridge...but I can't be sure it's you actually diving!! Do you have any further proof cause I know what you're like conning us all with your fantastic feats!!

sissy J

PS I'm Milford Sound bound ASAP

Anonymous said...

I have to agree Sissy J - although I do believe he did it - he's definitely at the bottom of the elastic near the water, but what we don't get to see is the height of the jump. There's a picture at the top before jumping showing about 3 feet of drop. There's a picture at the bottom showing about 10 feet of drop. But I reckon the two pictures simply join together making the total drop about 13 feet altogther. The camera never lies.


Anonymous said...

Ay up again Paul!
Glad you cleared all that up..I knew that there had to be some connin' goin' on.
Look for the next installment...they're headed to Australia today, so no doubt we'll soon be seeing him swimming with the deadliest jellymongers in the world! Throw in a few sharks and top it off with wrestling with the world's most poisonous snakes and giant crocs, and the con of the camera will be tested to the limit!!
Live on Steve Austin!!!

Anonymous said...

I always forget to sign my name....sissy J again on the last one.