Wednesday 31 October 2007

Gunn Camp & the return of Keith Coleman

This is Gunn Camp - a place used by the homer tunnel miners in the 1930's and now turned into a holiday spot - we only called in to see the museum, we looked at one of the huts and I thought it was a museum exhibit. On the way back from Milford sound Elvis and I were talking about it and I remarked how fantastic it would be to spend a cold night in front of a real fire - that was when Elvis said we probably could as they were for rent. Twenty minutes later we were lighting the fire!

It took me right back to the old days when my family would all be sitting around the fire in the living room - when the coal ran out my Mam or Dad would shout 'Keith Coleman' - Keith Coleman was a sports presenter - hence the spelling. This was my cue to go outside in the freezing cold to fill up the coal bucket. A form of child abuse really. Having said that, anyone who knows me, knows how much I love fire - so it was really a labour of love!

We had the fire roaring in no time, then we cooked one of my nephews dishes - Chicken in white wine with capers - with quinoa and broccoli, all consumed with the smell of coal smoke in the air. There was a tear in my eye!!


Anonymous said...

from sissy J

I've really got nowt to say...I just like beating Paul to the punch!!!

No seriously, guess how I fell asleep last night? Watching a special on New Zealand!! I saw the Fjordlands National Park that you were in; Milford Sound which was reinforced as the 8th Wonder of the World ( and no wonder!); the 4 day Milford Track which Bob and I have promised we'll do some day; and the Foss Glacier which moves at a rate of 12 feet per day (you didn't tell us that, so I'll fill in our readers).

Did you see this now famous little cockatoo bird thingy? Once thought extinct but now found in the park recently.

Anyway, if you keep staying with friends of friends of friends, this whole trip should be costing next to nowt! Is it possible to come back with more money than you went with???

Errrm, and for others who read this, don't be shedding tears over the Keith Coleman story. Most of the time it was like shouting into the wind cause he had his own way of keeping warm....he was out setting fires to neighbors' fields and fences!!!

Anonymous said...

another from sissy J

I see hubby cooking and wifey eating....hmmm, nothing's changed there!!

Anonymous said...

Its quite remarkable how keith manages to catch the sniff of a fire and cooking stove? his favourite past time, whilst out an about on their travels......... Keep giving us lots to look forward to K & S....take care. lv jen & and xxx